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Linda Staphos Wosczyna

JewelerMember Since 1995

My passion for the art of metal jewelry fabrication was ignited during my first formal jewelry class in 1991. As I began to practice and master multiple forms of fabrication, I developed an association between the process of making wearable metal and the art form of dance. The elaborate movements observed in dance are well orchestrated. The smooth and progressive nature of the practice evolves as the artist transfers experiences to the progression of the dance. “Dance moves” in each piece of my metal art become bold, yet hold soft undertones. I follow the flame from the torch, take the lead, and when the dance ends, another dance begins, creating an extraordinary unique piece. Missteps in life, dance and metal occur. Redemption in life, as in metal art construction and dance is feasible. My medium is malleable under the correct influences. As my experiences expand, my life evolves, providing unique opportunities each and every day to create distinctive pieces, which represent my true dance in life – my heart and soul.

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